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BK2 blog numerous uno (I like that autocorrect, you won One)

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

Welp, Summer is over! Time for fumbling through Walmart with a piece of paper you may or may not (I'm old sooo) be able to read.. trying to impress the new teacher (or set up a past one that didn't even bother to read the I.E.P, let alone follow it) by buying the scratch n sniff glue sticks.(a real thing,sware to GAWD)

Then it'll be time for that first email/phone and so is doing so and so blah blah Can you come pick him up?

And it begins..And so will BK2.

No. The answer is NO. N.O. That building,according to FEDERAL LAW (not their policies.thats like me telling a cop he can't write me a speeding ticking bc my "policy" is to go 90. Wtf? 🤦‍♀️)

Is filled with "highly qualified professionals". Also by FEDERAL LAW EVERY KID HAS A RIGHT TO A FREE and APPROPRIATE EDUCATION ( F.a.p.e #1 law used by spec education advocates)

and that means ALL THE TIME. Just like their peers who aren't being asked to be picked up bc of a behavior that is A DIRECT RESULT OF THEIR DIAGNOSIS.(can't do that, not according Guessed it! FEDERAL LAW.

So, long story long,

" no ma'am I mean I Can but I WON'T bc those highly qualified professionals need to read that IEP that THEY said was EFFECTIVE AND DIDNT NEED ADDITIONAL SUPPORTS OR SERVICES and go help that child that has every DAMN RIGHT TO BE THERE!" 《Click,dialtone)

Read it till ya live it. And pass it along like gospel. Cause it is..its BK2 gospel 👊


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